TV Serie Doomwatch

Doomwatch is the nickname for the Department of Measurement of Scientific Work. Under the leadership of Nobel Prize winning physicist, Dr. Spencer Quist, the Doomwatch team struggled, for ...

Country UK
Director Darrol Blake, Jonathan Alwyn, Lennie Mayne, Eric Hills, Terence Dudley, David Sullivan Proudfoot, Paul Ciappessoni, Hugh David, Joan Kemp-Welch, Quentin Lawrence, Pennant Roberts, Frank Cox, Vere Lorrimer
Casting John Paul, Joby Blanshard, Simon Oates, Vivien Sherrard, John Barron, Robert Powell, John Bown, Wendy Hall, Elizabeth Weaver, John Nolan, Jean Trend, Ann Lee, Michael Elwyn, Ian Elliot, Ken Sedd
Genre Sci-Fi, Drama

